Summary: There are 4 live regions on this page. Each of these has a different politeness setting. The first region is "off" - updates to it should never be announced. The second region is "polite" - updates to it should be announced if the user is not doing anything. The third region is "assertive" - updates to it should be announced as soon as possible, although it is not necessary to do so immediately. The fourth region is "rude" - updates to it must be announced immediately.
Description of the expected behavior: After presenting the heading, the user agent should present the text in each of the live region areas at the time. It should then proceed to the "Summary" section followed by the "Description of expected behavior" section. It should then continue to read the filler text until the end of the document and stop. Updates to the "off" region should be ignored as that region is marked as not being a live region. Updates to the "polite" region should be announced when the user is idling; if users are doing something, they should not be interrupted with updates to the "polite" region. However, when the "assertive" region is updated, the user agent should announce the update as soon as possible (for example, after the sentence that it is currently reading). When the "rude" region is updated, the user agent should immediately stop whatever it is currently reading and announce the update.
The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should. The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should. The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should. The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should.
The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should. The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should. The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should. The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should.
The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should. The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should. The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should. The filler text is here to let developers run their user agents for a longer period of time to make sure that everything will continue to behave as it should.